Terms & Conditionings: Club Services
The terms of service below have been written to ensure our ability to provide an industry leading service, and support our long term vision to continue to build services and environments for professional support in amateur sport for the benefit of athletes at all levels.
Terms used
Provider/ We: Cambridge Sports Performance Group
Client: The organisation or club for which a service is provided, and by extension members, athletes, staff, parents and other stakeholders associated with the club or organisation.
Practitioner: The individual(s) providing services
Cambridge Sports Performance Group is the trading name for Ignite Performance ltd. Any contract of services is established as a part of a business to business contract with Ignite Performance ltd and not directly with any representative of Cambridge Sports Performance Group.
Quotes and Fees
All quotes provided are bespoke to meet the needs of the client. Quotes provided are intended to meet the full service requirements including but not limited; to agreed contact hours, associated administration tasks, resources and services used by Cambridge Sports Performance Group staff to deliver a high quality service, and travel to and from a regular location, if appropriate. We reserve the right to charge additional fees for services outside of the scope of “normal service”, including but not limited to; travel outside of the agreed regular training location, additional workshops, a request for services at a larger volume or not included with the normal or pre-agreed scope of delivery.
All quotes are provided on a fixed fee basis paid monthly for a 12 month period, which are reviewed annually in month 10 of the year. We understand that agreed services will contain a reasonable level of variable workload throughout the year. At any point where there is a temporary reduction in service with the intent of a continued partnership the fixed fee model should be considered as a retainer of services that acts to ensure the financial security and stability of Cambridge Sports Performance Group to continue to be a service provider to the client.
Administration Hours
Administration hours include, but are not limited to; Writing and reviewing session plans, providing athlete feedback, research and continued education, reasonable communications with stakeholders.
Cambridge Sports Performance Group accounts for administration hours as 1:1 for every hour of standard service delivery.
The provider/ practitioner may communicate with the client via a range of platforms supporting text, voice, and video communications. It is recognised that the provider/practitioner and client may work by different time schedules and therefore should aim to respond to text-based communications within 24 hours (Mon-Fri) and at their own discretion on a weekend. Where possible the practitioner/ provider will respond to requests to schedule voice or video calls within 7 days, unless delays to responses have been previously specified.
Contract Renewals
We reserve the right to increase our fees in line with inflation + a discretionary %
Payment Processing
Cambridge Sports Performance Group operates a streamlined administration process where payment schedules are initially agreed and fees then taken via direct debit to ensure timely payments are made.
Cambridge Sports Performance group is not currently VAT registered, we expect this to change in 2024 after which point any contract renewals will be subject to the inclusion of VAT.
Leave, Illness, and Working Away
Our practitioners will make an active effort to avoid taking leave during competition periods, however reserve the right to take reasonable paid leave (for holiday or illness) at their discretion. On rare occasions a practitioner may be required to work in another location inhibiting their delivery of coached sessions. Cambridge Sports Performance Group have accounted for this within the fixed fee payment model.
Unless for medical or urgent family matters, practitioners will provide clients with maximum notice of pre-planned leave or working away, at a minimum of 14 days notice.
Upon taking leave practitioners will ensure that all athletes and cover staff are aware of the continued plans to be carried out during their absence.
Cambridge Sports Performance Group allows for a maximum of 2 consecutive weeks of service disruption before opening an investigation into service disruption with the client.
We welcome our clients' support in ensuring the physical and mental health of our practitioners is maintained.
Early Termination of Contract
For any reason of early termination of contract, a 30 day notice period is provided with the following actions should be taken:
A written brief outlining the reason for early termination sent to the opposite party.
A meeting between the management of the provider and the client to seek resolution.
If no resolution is reached the provider will continue service in a paid manner for the duration of the notice period, unless otherwise agreed.
Any complaints or concerns about a practitioner should be directed to Ben Davies at Support@CambridgeSportsPerformanceGroup.co.uk
Safeguarding and Welfare
Cambridge Sports Performance Group and its practitioners agree to abide by the policies set forth by the client. In instances where we feel that this is inappropriate we will defer to the UK Coaching codes of conduct for guidance on further action.
Cambridge Sports Performance Group respects the client’s need to carry out independent DBS checks where appropriate.
The provider/practitioner respects clients privacy and insists that client respects the provider/practitioner’s and any other individual within the training or work environment (herein referred to as “Participants”). Thus, consider this a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Any information shared is confidential, proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the individual who discloses it. Parties agree not to disclose, reveal or make use of any information or any transactions, during discussions or otherwise. The client agrees not to use such confidential information in any manner other than in discussion with the provider or where appropriate practitioner. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, information disclosed in connection with any service agreement, and shall not include information rightfully obtained from a third party. Provider, practitioner, and client will keep confidential information in strictest confidence and shall use the best efforts to safeguard the confidential information and to protect it against disclosure, misuse, espionage, loss, and theft. The client agrees not to violate the provider or practitioner’s publicity or privacy rights. Furthermore, the client will not reveal any information to a third party obtained in connection with any service agreement or the provider’s / practitioner’s direct or indirect dealings with the client including but not limited to; names, email addresses, third-party company titles or positions, phone numbers, addresses or detailed description of training programme without expressed permission. Further, by engaging with Cambridge Sports Performance Group service’s you agree that if you violate or display any likelihood of violating any service agreement the provider and/ or practitioner will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations to protect against the harm of such violations.
Social media and Marketing
Cambridge Sports Performance Group and its practitioners may use training, and competition videos for social media and marketing purposes. We also reserve the right to use partner clubs and organisations logos in marketing and advertising materials as a sign of association.
We give unrestricted permission for partner clubs and organisations to use our logo in association with any of their marketing with the intent of creating supporting and brand awareness.
Wherever possible Cambridge Sports Performance Group and its practitioners proactively seek and engage in positive collaboration with partner clubs and organisations to increase the profile of all parties.
No Transfer of intellectual property
The support, resources and training programmes received by the client are considered intellectual property of the provider. The client agrees not to reproduce or share any resources provided to them by the provider or practitioner without expressed permission in agreement with international copyright law. Should the client infringe upon this agreement the provider and/ or practitioner will be entitled to injunctive relief and financial recompense for damages owed.
These terms of service are the property of Cambridge Sports Performance Group, we reserve the right to amend them at any time without prior notice.