Jumpers Academy

Delivering professional coaching and support for committed and hardworking athletes.

  • Technical Coaching

    Cambridge Athletics Track

    Initial Consultation 

    This session can be a complete assessment of your technical model, or directed towards a specific element of training that you may be struggling with. During the session Coach Ben will provide suggestion and intervention based on his experience and philosophies. Throughout the process the you will be encouraged to think, reflect and ask questions to consolidate your learning. 

    £75 / session

  • Strength & Conditioning

    Waterbeach Clinic and Online

    Initial Consultation 

    Initial consultations are very flexible and can be carried out via video call or in our Waterbeach clinic, we will aim to answer as many of your questions as possible. 

    We are happy to generally discuss how S&C might fit into your schedule, provide opinion on a programme that you have received, review video and conduct assessments. If there are specific areas that you would like to work on, learning an exercise, a session that you want to complete with a coach present, we are more than happy to do that as well.  

    £75 / session

  • Video Analysis


    Written Review

    You can send in upto 3 training or competition videos (of the same athlete) - add any specific questions or specific improvements that you’re looking for. Ben will provide you with a summary of written observations and suggestion of where to focus training, which specific exercises and instruction.



    Jump on a call with Coach Ben Davies to run through 1 or more training videos with live breakdown, feedback and discussion.

    £85 / upto 60 min

Jumpers Programmes

After an initial consultation, you may be offered a place on one of the programmes below. There are limited spaces for each:

Full Coaching

Ben will write and lead your whole programme. You will train in Cambridge, either 1:1 or as a part of group sessions. There is also an option for Hybrid coaching, where Ben write your programme and it is delivered by your local coach. The hybrid option does require both coach and athlete to travel to Cambridge to see Ben monthly.

Online Athlete

With a personal programme, and weekly check-in’s & video review to feedback on sessions, this is the most flexible option with a personal touch. Your programme will be delivered via an app that has video demonstrations, technical cues, and direct messaging to Ben.

Online Squad

As a part of our online squad you will receive a digital programme based on developing the core technical skills, strength and speed required for the Long or Triple Jump. Ben has created beginner, intermediate, and advanced squad programmes, you will be able to message Ben videos and questions, and he will hold a monthly check-in call with his online squad.

Track & Field Athlete Results.

5 International Medals

Our international medals come from meets such as; SIAB, Loughborough International, Manchester International, and JBL Jumps Fest.

6 International Selections

Our international selections range from UK School Games, to Loughborough International, Para-World Juniors, and the Commonwealth Games.

19 National Medals

Medals won from both junior and senior athlete in long jump, triple jump and sprints at English Schools, British University Championships, England Nationals, Scottish Nationals, and British Championships.

80+ Regional & Area Champs Medals

There has been plenty of success across Southern, Eastern and Counties competitions.